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how to stay motivated

"Dream" it is not just a word , we see it while sleeping .But whenever we are talking about about "DREAM" we need to mention one special line "Dream in not just a word but it is the thing that is a cause of your sleeping disorder when you are in your struggling phase ".In this present time it is a very common problem among the youths that they are not able to fulfill their dream ,so always they have  a question that 'how to fulfill our dream '.                   
It is happening because there are two types of people :-
1)some are very passionate to their dream but they can't fulfill their dream.
2)some are not passionate to their dream ,they see some dreams which are made by the playing cards.
 So here in both the cases there is a solution ,in the first case they are passionate but they loss
because some times there is a lack of motivational atomic energy which can charged them and lot of attractions towards black side of our society ,in this time we are using mobile phone when we see that our phone is in lack of charge then we just using cables we charged it from power supply ,and we are always stay attentive towards our phone that our phone is charging or not ,and we always protect our phones from bad guys .
So here if we consider these youths as our mobile phone and me as our society then need to charged our phones and delete the bed things from that phones and keep it way from the bad strangers.
And at least we need to provide a line like a power bank that is:-
                                    "don't give up when you're in a phase to 
                         fulfill your dream " &"make the dream 
                           as strong as steel,make yourself like a 
                         steel cutter" 

                                                stay motivated


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